Mission Wrap-up: India 2013 – By The Numbers
February 10, 2013
Friday, 25 January 2013, was the World Surgical Foundation’s last day in Khambhat, Gujarat, India serving patients of Cambay General Hospital at the 7-day Mega Surgical Camp.
WSF was able to perform at least 150 procedures with 141 accounted for as follows: 47 General Surgery, 31 Pediatric Surgery, 28 Plastic Surgery, 27 OB/GYN and 8 ENT. Some procedures were done under local anesthesia so patients went home without being counted.
On Friday morning WSF witnessed and participated in a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Cardiac Cath Lab or Angioscopy Suite being built on hospital grounds.
The evening before WSF gathered with the hospital staff and a panel of doctors from the foundation along with the local hosts spoke briefly about the “Mega Surgical Camp”. Everybody agreed the mission was a great success and plans are being made for another one soon.
Friday night was definitely one of the highlights of the mission as WSF attended a celebration at the town square organized by the “Press Club Khambhat” for “Republic Day”. WSF was honored by the Press Club for holding the Mega Surgical Camp at Cambay General Hospital. The camp was locally supported by the Cardiac Care Center and Cambay General Hospital.
The next mission for the World Surgical Foundation will be 21 February to 2 March 2013 in Coron, Palawan, Philippines. Updates to follow…